Annie’s Favorite Foods
When it comes to food, cats can be picky. As cat owners, you may be careful to buy the best food for your cat. Although dry food is often recommended, you can reward your cat by occasionally giving them something other than dry food. However, make sure to consider your veterinarian’s special recommendations when doing so.
If you want to reward your cat with different foods, here are some foods that your cat will love to eat.
Fish: Salmon and Tuna
Cats love eating fish. That’s why many wet cat foods are fish-based. Fish is beneficial for your cat’s vision and contains omega-3 fatty acids. Cats’ favorite fish are tuna and salmon. But be careful to cook these fish before giving them to your cat because raw fish can make your cat sick.
Fresh Fruits
While some cats may not like fruits, they are important for their health. Bananas, especially, are important as they contain a high level of potassium and soluble fiber that your cat needs for daily calorie intake. You can also give your cat apples without the peel, which are rich in fiber and vitamin C. Blueberries, containing vitamins A and C, are also an excellent snack for your cat.
Another food is oatmeal. It is an excellent source of energy and vitamin B. It can be a diet for cats with weight problems.
Fresh Vegetables
One of the foods that can be very beneficial for cats is spinach. It is a very healthy food as it contains vitamins A, C, K, and minerals such as iron and calcium. It can help your cat’s digestive system. However, spinach is not recommended for cats with a history of oxalate urinary stones.
Fish Oils
Fish oils are an excellent alternative to real fish. If you prefer not to give your cat fish, you can mix fish oils with cat food. Fish oil, with its omega-3 content, keeps the skin moist in winter and helps your cat’s fur stay healthy in the long run.
Cooked Eggs
Eggs are an easy and readily available food for cats and reduce the risk of any food-related illnesses. Therefore, it is found in many cat foods. In addition, eggs are full of protein and B vitamins. After finding out if your cat is allergic to eggs, you can cook and give them appropriately.
Cheddar, Swiss, and Gouda are great choices for your cat. Rich in calcium and protein, they should be given in small amounts. If your cat has lactose intolerance, you can give them a very small amount and check if their stomach gets upset.
If your cat wants to eat your bread, you can give them a piece. It is a good source of protein and fiber for them. Whole wheat or whole grain bread is more beneficial than white bread.
Meat is among the favorite foods of cats. Chicken meat helps your cat develop muscles and keep their bones healthy. In addition, chicken is an excellent source of protein and helps control your cat’s cholesterol and blood pressure.
Pumpkin ensures the health of their hearts and helps them sleep better due to its low calorie and high fiber content. You can turn pumpkin into cat food or mix it with their food.
Green peas are an excellent source of vitamin K. They are also high in magnesium and potassium. Peas, which are very beneficial for health, ensure that your cat will have a long life.
If you have a chubby cat and want them to lose weight, turkey meat is a great choice for them. Skinless turkey is low in fat and an excellent source of iron. It also contains zinc, potassium, and phosphorus, which will lower your cat’s cholesterol level.
Yogurt is an excellent healthy treat for cats that they will enjoy. If your cat is lactose intolerant, yogurt helps their digestive system relax with its probiotics.
Cooked Meat
We mentioned that cats’ favorite foods are meats. They get most of their nutrients from meat rather than vegetables and carbohydrates. Meat helps your cat’s vision, reproductive system, and keeps their heart healthy.
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